
One user more than 1 user group with each site templates?

Wen Ching Chua, geändert vor 12 Jahren.

One user more than 1 user group with each site templates?

Junior Member Beiträge: 72 Beitrittsdatum: 18.04.11 Neueste Beiträge
Hi everyone,

I had created 5 user groups - sales, finance, technology, HR and management.

In each user group will point to its private page's site templates as well as the public page too.

e.g. HR private page -> HR site template and HR public page -> Company wide site template (each template has it owns portlets configurations).

I create the 1st user called Susan and she is attached to the HR user group. When I login using Susan's account, I can see the right portlets for both public and private pages.

I create another user called Michael and he is under the Sales and Management departments. But when I login using Michael's account, his public and private pages are based on Sales user group. But he is also part of Management right? I should see some management portlets somewhere in there too? Any help?

My question is what if I want to have Michael able to access Sales and Management's portlets while the other sales guy John only to see Sales's porlets only.

How can I do this with Liferay user group and site templates? Any help? Thanks.