
Disable returned verbose error-messages

MICHAIL MOUDATSOS, geändert vor 12 Jahren.

Disable returned verbose error-messages

Regular Member Beiträge: 110 Beitrittsdatum: 04.10.11 Neueste Beiträge
Hello all

I ll try to be brief. A client of ours requires that all kind of error messages returned by the server to the client browser to be non verbose. I have partially tackled that by setting
		<location>somehting here</location>
		<location>somehting here</location>
in liferay-portal-6.0.6\tomcat-6.0.29\conf\web.xml
However our client still produced some error screens such as the ones attached when tampering with post requests of an authenticated user. The requests relate to a custom portlet we have deployed.

1)Any ideas of how to supress such errors
2)Any ideas how to supress any error message in general

Thank you all in advance!

P.S. I also put this in development forum because such a problem might be solved using a hook, which is a development issue rather an installation one....