
Estilos jsr168

Juan Villablanca, geändert vor 14 Jahren.

Estilos jsr168

New Member Beitrag: 1 Beitrittsdatum: 11.06.09 Neueste Beiträge
Segun esto

¿¿Los estilos del estandar JSR168 ya no son soportados por liferay??

Ahora para colocar paginas desarrolladas bajo el estandar jsr168 tendre que cambiar en todas ellas

class="portlet-section-header" por class="results-header"
class="portlet-section-body" por class="results-row"
class="portlet-section-body-hover" por class="results-row hover"
class="portlet-section-body-alternate" por class="results-row alt"
class="portlet-section-body-alternate-hover" por class="results-row alt hover"

¿Estoy implica que liferay ya no es 100% compatible con JSR168?

Que pasa con el resto de los estilos??? Tampoco son soportados?

PLT.C.2 Fonts
The font style definitions affect the font attributes only (font face, size, color, style, etc).

Style Description Example
portlet-font Font attributes for the "normal" fragment font. Used for the display of non-accentuatedinformation. Normal Text
portlet-font-dim Font attributes similar to the .portlet.font but the color is lighter. Dim Text

PLT.C.3 Messages
Message style definitions affect the rendering of a paragraph (alignment, borders, background color, etc) as well as text attributes.

Style Description Example
portlet-msg-status Status of the current operation. Progress: 80%
portlet-msg-info Help messages, general additional info, etc. Info about
portlet-msg-error Error messages. Portlet not available
portlet-msg-alert Warning messages. Timeout occurred, try again later
portlet-msg-success Verification of the successful completion of a task. Operation completed successfully

PLT.C.4 Sections
Section style definitions affect the rendering of markup sections such as table, div and span (alignment, borders, background color, etc) as well as their text attributes.

Style Description
portlet-section-header Table or section header
portlet-section-body Normal text in a table cell
portlet-section-alternate Text in every other row in the cell
portlet-section-selected Text in a selected cell range
portlet-section-subheader Text of a subheading
portlet-section-footer Table or section footnote
portlet-section-text Text that belongs to the table but does not fall in one of the other categories (e.g. explanatory or help text that is associated with the section).

PLT.C.5 Forms
Form styles define the look-and-feel of the elements in an HTML form.

Style Description
portlet-form-label Text used for the descriptive label of the whole form (not the labels for fields).
portlet-form-input-field Text of the user-input in an input field.
portlet-form-button Text on a button
portlet-icon-label Text that appears beside a context dependent action icon.
portlet-dlg-icon-label Text that appears beside a "standard" icon (e.g. Ok, or Cancel)
portlet-form-field-label Text for a separator of fields (e.g. checkboxes, etc.)
portlet-form-field Text for a field (not input field, e.g. checkboxes, etc)

PLT.C.6 Menus
Menu styles define the look-and-feel of the text and background of a menu structure. This structure may be embedded in the aggregated page or may appear as a context sensitive popup menu.

Style Description
portlet-menu General menu settings such as background color, margins, etc.
portlet-menu-item Normal, unselected menu item.
portlet-menu-item-selected Selected menu item.
portlet-menu-item-hover Normal, unselected menu item when the mouse hovers over it.
portlet-menu-item-hover-selected Selected menu item when the mouse hovers over it.
portlet-menu-cascade-item Normal, unselected menu item that has submenus.
portlet-menu-cascade-item-selected Selected sub-menu item that has sub-menus.
portlet-menu-description Descriptive text for the menu (e.g. in a help context below the menu).
portlet-menu-caption Menu caption.
Jorge Ferrer, geändert vor 14 Jahren.

RE: Estilos jsr168

Liferay Legend Beiträge: 2871 Beitrittsdatum: 31.08.06 Neueste Beiträge
Hola Juan,

En el grupo de expertos del JSR-286 se trató el tema de estos estilos y hubo un consenso bastante generalizado en que no sólo no estaban bien diseñados según las mejores prácticas de CSS sino que habían sido implementados de forma irregular por los diferentes portales. Teniendo en cuenta estos motivos su utilidad era prácticamente nula y sólo aumentaban la complejidad. Por eso decidimos dejar de implementarlos en Liferay.

Si actualizas tus temas a las nuevas clases CSS tendrás más control y podrás cambiar la apariencia con menos código CSS.