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RE: Weld + portletfaces

Moayad Abu Jaber, modificado hace 12 años.

Weld + portletfaces

New Member Mensajes: 17 Fecha de incorporación: 3/03/11 Mensajes recientes
hello everybody,

I just wanna ask if there is anyone he tried to use weld + icefaces with portletfaces

if anyone have successful sample please share the necessary configuration and parameter

I just did but I faced exception :
Must call associate() before calling activate()

thanks in advanced
Neil Griffin, modificado hace 12 años.

RE: Weld + portletfaces

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 2655 Fecha de incorporación: 27/07/05 Mensajes recientes
Hi Moayad,

I began testing CDI/Weld integration today and got the same stacktrace that you did. Please refer to FACES-1211 for more info.
