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Membership in Organization through User Group

Michal Rajniak, modificado hace 11 años.

Membership in Organization through User Group

Junior Member Mensajes: 25 Fecha de incorporación: 28/05/12 Mensajes recientes

based on "Figure 1.8: Liferay's User Collection Model" in, it should be possible to assign user groups to organizations (which would also make the members of the user group members of the organization).

However, I don't see the possibility of assigning a user group to an organization in the Control Panel. Am i missing something? I'm running 6.1 EE trial.
Yan Naing Oo, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Regular Member Mensajes: 179 Fecha de incorporación: 17/02/11 Mensajes recientes
I have also experience that Liferay missout I think, when I go to Organisation -- click action assign member -- there is no User Group at all
only onething can do is manually search for the users and add into..

if there other ways then let me know please ?
Michal Rajniak, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Junior Member Mensajes: 25 Fecha de incorporación: 28/05/12 Mensajes recientes
I think there is no way to assign a user group to an organization in Liferay 6.1 and thus the depiction in the User Guide is wrong and should be corrected.

I intentionally placed this thread in the "suggestions and feature requests" category in hope that someone from internal Liferay team could follow up on it as I didn't find a way to report this issue directly from the user guide (ability to add comments? ability to send feedback via email? any other way?)

The structure of roles, users, groups, site, organizations etc and possible relationships between them is rather complex and unless one is building a complex portal with many users, only a small subset of these features is needed.
To clarify this area for myself, i created a simple membership diagram - see attached image. (arrow means "can be direct member of" and is transitive. Roles are not included)
Dániel Pásztor, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

New Member Mensaje: 1 Fecha de incorporación: 11/04/12 Mensajes recientes
I've the the same problem with 6.1. I have to assign thousands of users to different organizations and it would be the only easy way to do it with user groups. They authenticate through LDAP and their group memberships are imported into liferay. Then they would be assigned by user group to organizations to get membership.

I found an old post (, which says that this functionality can be configured in portal-ext properties. It was possible in 6.0.x. In 6.0.6 CE GA4 it was disabled by default, in 6.0 EE SP1 it was enabled by default.

But in 6.1 (i checked 6.1.0 CE GA1 and 6.1.10 EE GA1) the "" property is removed from

According to this article (Organizations), this property can be configured. If not then please correct it.

What is the alternate for this feature in 6.1? I think it should be handled somehow...

Matthieu R., modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Junior Member Mensajes: 44 Fecha de incorporación: 19/07/12 Mensajes recientes

Same problems with CE 6.1 GA1. I can't add user group in Organization. My user structure is really complex and I don't understand why Liferay's developper choose to remove this functionnality.

Has someone an idea about this ?
Jorge Ferrer, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 2871 Fecha de incorporación: 31/08/06 Mensajes recientes
Hey guys,

Let me clarify this functionality.

In a previous release (I can't recall if it was 5.2 and 6.0) a feature was added to allow adding user groups to an organization. This could be easily done through the UI. However users added through a user group were not exactly the same as the users added directly. For example, the organization administrator did not have the rights to manage their accounts. What this functionality was still useful for was to make all those users "members" of the site of the organization (then called pages of the organization). That is, they would be able to visit the organization site and participate in them like an org user.

So what has been done in 6.1 is to make all of this much more explicit. That is, what you can still do is assign a user group as a member of a site associated to the organization. You can do that within "Site Membership" for the organization site.

I hope that clears things up.

Matthieu R., modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Junior Member Mensajes: 44 Fecha de incorporación: 19/07/12 Mensajes recientes
Hey Jorge,

Thanks for your quick answer. I understand better your choice but... let me explain my business case to see if I could optimize my users management.

I've 2 kinds of users : Teachers and Students.
I've 2 organizationals units : Departement 1, Departement 2

Teachers in Departement 1 haven't same rights than teachers in Departement 2. Same for Students. My idea was to create two user groups : Teachers and Students and to affiliate them to organizationals units.

So, finally, I'd hope to have :

Root Organization
-- Departement 1
---- Teachers
---- Students
-- Departement 2
---- Teachers
---- Students

And... after that, I can affiliate roles to these "four" users groups to give them rights. Is there a solution for this case ?
Jorge Ferrer, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 2871 Fecha de incorporación: 31/08/06 Mensajes recientes
Hi Matthieu,

Based on the information you provide it seems that a good approach would be two create two user groups (Teachers and Students) and two organizations (Department 1 and Department 2). When a new user is created you would need to assign him both the user group and the organization separately, since there is no correlation between them. You can later assign a role to a user group to give a given set of permissions to all teachers or students. Or assign a role to an organization to give a permission to all users of that department regardless of whether they are teacher or student.

It doesn't seem you need to assign a user group to an organization, but I may not have understood what you are trying to achieve. Let me know if that's the case.
Matthieu R., modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Junior Member Mensajes: 44 Fecha de incorporación: 19/07/12 Mensajes recientes
Hi Jorge,

Thanks for your answer.

You understood well my case. But, with this architecture, how could I set differents rights to Students from Dep 1 and Students from Dep 2 ?

For example, if I choose than Students from Dep 1 can read only my portlet and Students from Dep 2 can read and edit my portlet.
Jorge Ferrer, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 2871 Fecha de incorporación: 31/08/06 Mensajes recientes
Hi Matthieu,

If you want to be able to do that, you need to create suborganizations within each department. So the Org hierarchy would look as follows:
* Dep 1
** Students Dep 1
** Teachers Dep 1
* Dep 2
** Students Dep 2
** Teachers Dep 2

And then you would have the user groups to horizontally group all students and all teachers.

This is actually a great example of why Liferay has both organizations and user groups emoticon
Ivano Carrara, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Expert Mensajes: 346 Fecha de incorporación: 3/07/05 Mensajes recientes
Hi all!

Probably it is my fault but in Version 6.1.1 I'm not able to give the possibility to an user associated to the Organization Administrator role to search Users and then update their profiles.

As Portal Administrator in Users and Organizations portlet I have a link to "Search All Users" and then I can go to the form to search for an User, in Advanced and Basic mode. I'm not able to give this opportunity to the Organizzation Administrator role.

Please, any help ?

Thank you in advance !
Ivano C.
Jorge Ferrer, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 2871 Fecha de incorporación: 31/08/06 Mensajes recientes
I'm not sure I understand 100% your explanation, but an user that is an "Organization Administrator" of a given organization should see and manage that organization and all of its users when going to "Users & Organizations" in the Control Panel. He should not be able to see and manage users that do not belong to other organizations.
Ivano Carrara, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Expert Mensajes: 346 Fecha de incorporación: 3/07/05 Mensajes recientes
Jorge Ferrer:
I'm not sure I understand 100% your explanation, but an user that is an "Organization Administrator" of a given organization should see and manage that organization and all of its users when going to "Users & Organizations" in the Control Panel. He should not be able to see and manage users that do not belong to other organizations.

Dear Jorge,

The fact is that as Organization Administrator I can't execute search in Users scope but only in Organizations scope...

As you can see in the attached screenshot, as Organization Administrator I'm searching a User but the reply is that there is not Organization with ths name ...
As Organization Adminstrator I can't find a method to search a User ... I'm able only to list all Users..

Thank you in advance for any comment !

Ivano C.
Jorge Ferrer, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 2871 Fecha de incorporación: 31/08/06 Mensajes recientes
I see, it could be an issue with the index based search. I would try setting as a workaround.

In either case, can you file a JIRA ticket with the exact steps to reproduce?
Ivano Carrara, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Expert Mensajes: 346 Fecha de incorporación: 3/07/05 Mensajes recientes
I already opened the LPS-30564 ticket on 18 October 2012 ... but no one voted it and I'm the only user watching it :-(

Thank you for your valuable support !

Ivano C.
Rob Hall, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Junior Member Mensajes: 47 Fecha de incorporación: 30/11/11 Mensajes recientes
This is all very interesting.

I currently have a portal that I've migrated from 6.0 to 6.1. We have users in LDAP that belong to Groups. When we import the users from LDAP, they retain their group membership. But what I'm at a loss now is figuring out how to get these users into Organizations and thus sites..

I.e. when I user logs in and is a member of LDAP group 'WEB_CUSTOMER_TYPE_1' for example, I want them to directed to the Site 'Type 1' for instance. This worked in the 6.0 LR portal we had, except instead of SItes we had Communities.

How I associate a User Group (and members of that group) to a SIte is not clear to me.

I'm working with LR 6.1 EE GA2 deployed in Glassfish.
Jorge Ferrer, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 2871 Fecha de incorporación: 31/08/06 Mensajes recientes
Hi Rob,

All you have to do is go to "Site Memberships" from either the control panel or using the dockbar from the site itself and add the User Group as member of the site. This works for independent sites or sites associated to an organization.
Xav NYC, modificado hace 11 años.

RE: Membership in Organization through User Group

New Member Mensajes: 23 Fecha de incorporación: 27/09/12 Mensajes recientes
Linking groups to sites will work for access rights but the Directory portlet for instance relies on organizations, not sites.
So it's not possible to have an employee directory automatically populated through the groups in Active Directory.
There could therefore still be a need for that feature.