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Pringing jsp file has too much white space

Dave Weitzel, modificado hace 10 años.

Pringing jsp file has too much white space

Regular Member Mensajes: 208 Fecha de incorporación: 18/11/09 Mensajes recientes
I have a jsp from my custom portlet that I need to be printed and also exported to pdf.
I can get all the plumbing and user interface working nicely but the out put has a ton of white space before you get to the target content.
I am using a printURL like this to generate the output:

		PortletURL printPageURL = renderResponse.createRenderURL();
				printPageURL.setParameter("jspPage", "/html/plan/printPlan.jsp");
				printPageURL.setParameter("planId", Long.toString(currentPlan.getPlanId()));
				printPageURL.setParameter("viewMode", Constants.PRINT);

this is same code as the pdf (using openoffice converter) as well.

It may be related to an issue I have about the amoun tof header scripts loaded in popup mode when not needed but I cannot see where the white space content comes from when viewing firebug out put.

In some cases I get a complete blank page and more before I get o the page title.

Any ideas what is happening
David H Nebinger, modificado hace 10 años.

RE: Pringing jsp file has too much white space

Liferay Legend Mensajes: 14919 Fecha de incorporación: 2/09/06 Mensajes recientes
CSS controls the print layout also; have you checked the rendered JSP in this mode to see what the CSS is forcing?