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doHeaders isn't called Websphere Portal 7

PortletFaces Community Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

doHeaders isn't called Websphere Portal 7

Regular Member Publications: 199 Date d'inscription: 03/04/12 Publications récentes
Hi there,

I tried the following stack: jsf2.1.1 mojarra, icefaces 2.01, portletfaces 2.0.0, websphere portal 7 on websphere application server 7. The problem is the javascript of faces/icefaces isn't rendered.

I noticed that doHeaders of the GenereicFacesPortlet class isn't called at all. any idea why it isn't called?

this is my xhtml:

			<ice:outputstyle href="/xmlhttp/css/xp/xp-portlet.css" />
			<ice:outputstyle href="/theme/icetweak.css" />

				<h:outputtext value="#{msg.firstParagraph}"></h:outputtext>
				<h:outputtext value="#{msg.secondParagraph}"></h:outputtext>

				<ice:datatable value="#{myBean.myData}" ... />

I extended GenericFacesPortlet to set some breakpoints and see wether it gets called. doView is called.

any ideas?

PortletFaces Community Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

RE: doHeaders isn't called Websphere Portal 7

Regular Member Publications: 199 Date d'inscription: 03/04/12 Publications récentes
Hi there,

Two-phase Rendering is supported since Webspere Portal 7, but has to be enabled via configuration.

For details take a look at these links: (Hint: The option name is javax.portlet.renderHeaders).

WARNING: doHeaders and so Two-Phase rendering is not supported in Websphere Portal 6!

Ok, but this is only the half truth. The bridge seems not to support the headerrendering right now as you can see in

	protected void doFacesHeaders(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse) {
		logger.trace("doFacesHeaders(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) this=[{0}]", this);

PortletFaces Community Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

RE: doHeaders isn't called Websphere Portal 7

Regular Member Publications: 199 Date d'inscription: 03/04/12 Publications récentes
Can someone confirm that doHeaders is not implemented in the current stable 2.0 Version of portlefaces and that's the reason why it isn't working in websphere portal?
Neil Griffin, modifié il y a 12 années.

RE: doHeaders isn't called Websphere Portal 7

Liferay Legend Publications: 2655 Date d'inscription: 27/07/05 Publications récentes
Support for commercial portals like WebSphere and WebLogic will be supported by ICEsoft for customers who buy ICEfaces 2.0 Enterprise Edition (EE). Please contact ICEsoft sales for more info.