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liferay-ui:input-editor error in facelet portlet

Rose Navas, modifié il y a 9 années.

liferay-ui:input-editor error in facelet portlet

New Member Publications: 12 Date d'inscription: 04/08/14 Publications récentes
I put liferay-ui:input-editor in my JSF porlet. But when the component shows in page, appears this message:

var oldEditor = CKEDITOR.instances['A7976:CrearForo:j_idt14']; if (oldEditor) >{oldEditor.destroy(true);delete window['A7976:CrearForo:j_idt14'];} if (oldEditor){var customDataProcessorLoaded = true;}else{var customDataProcessorLoaded = false;}

Also, sometimes, not load the component if I refresh the page

I use liferay portal 6.0.6 with liferay faces 3.0.4 GA5 and primefaces

Anyone could help me?

Thanks in advanced

Pièces jointes:

Neil Griffin, modifié il y a 9 années.

RE: liferay-ui:input-editor error in facelet portlet

Liferay Legend Publications: 2655 Date d'inscription: 27/07/05 Publications récentes
Hi Rose,

I just tried a plain JSF2 portlet with liferay-ui:input-editor in Liferay 6.0.6 and Liferay Faces 3.0.4-ga5 and it worked fine.

If you use the liferay-ui:input-editor tag in a view that does not contain any PrimeFaces components, does it work?

Kind Regards,

Rose Navas, modifié il y a 9 années.

RE: liferay-ui:input-editor error in facelet portlet

New Member Publications: 12 Date d'inscription: 04/08/14 Publications récentes
Hi Neil. No sir. Not working.

I did an example page as follows

<!--?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?-->

        <title>Facelet Title</title>
        <h:outputscript library="js" name="traduccionCalendario.js" />
        <h:outputstylesheet library="css" name="portletsMME.css" />
        <h:form id="form"> 
                    <liferay-ui:input-editor value="#{canalRssBean.comments}" />

I use the next libraries with JSF 2.1.21

Liferay faces 3.0.4 GA5

I put this param in web.xml:

And I add the \liferay-ui\jsp\input-editor.jsp file in my resources folder because when I use the tag Listener in my web.xml, appears an error of TLD with skipEditorLoading parameter

I hope you understand me. My English its not good.

Thanks in advanced

Neil Griffin, modifié il y a 9 années.

RE: liferay-ui:input-editor error in facelet portlet

Liferay Legend Publications: 2655 Date d'inscription: 27/07/05 Publications récentes
Hi Rose,

Attached is a simple project that is working in Tomcat.

Kind Regards,

Rose Navas, modifié il y a 9 années.

RE: liferay-ui:input-editor error in facelet portlet

New Member Publications: 12 Date d'inscription: 04/08/14 Publications récentes
Thanks a lot.
Neil Griffin, modifié il y a 9 années.

RE: liferay-ui:input-editor error in facelet portlet

Liferay Legend Publications: 2655 Date d'inscription: 27/07/05 Publications récentes
You are quite welcome, and thanks for using Liferay Faces. emoticon