
Ratings for unauthenticated users

12年前 に Robert_82 Robert_82 によって更新されました。

Ratings for unauthenticated users

New Member 投稿: 11 参加年月日: 06/07/17 最新の投稿
Hi all,
i'using LEP 6.1 CE, my question is quite simple.
It' possible to enable ratings (with five stars) for unauthenticated users??

Any suggestion are welcome!

12年前 に David H Nebinger によって更新されました。

RE: Ratings for unauthenticated users

Liferay Legend 投稿: 14919 参加年月日: 06/09/02 最新の投稿
The issue here is how to determine if an anonymous guest has already rated or not.

When an authenticated user sets the rating, it is easy to determine if they have before or not and reflect the rating they've selected.

For an anonymous guest, you'd need some other sort of mechanism.

And it gets muddier depending on how to know if the rating being viewed is valid or not. If I'm a disgruntled user of your site and I figure out how to anonymously get 10,000 zero ratings in, you will undoubtedly show the item with a negative rating even if a valid 100 users say it's five-star. Likewise if I'm trying to artificially increase the rating and I can get 10,000 five stars in when actual users say it's a zero-star, the rating becomes invalid.

So, all things considered, I'm sure there's a way to do it (probably involving a hook of the jsp page and possibly some other changes), but it really begs the question is this something you want to do?
12年前 に Robert_82 Robert_82 によって更新されました。

RE: Ratings for unauthenticated users

New Member 投稿: 11 参加年月日: 06/07/17 最新の投稿
Hi David,
your suggestions are true.. But this is a particular portal. It's a intranet portal accessible only on LAN or with a VPN. It has only a public community.
The system to track the ratings for guest user probably is the ip address or not?!?
12年前 に Sandeep Nair によって更新されました。

RE: Ratings for unauthenticated users

Liferay Legend 投稿: 1744 参加年月日: 08/11/06 最新の投稿
The answer for your question is no, with what Liferay has in place right now for ratings. Only an authenticated user can rate right now. You can see the table ratingsEntry for the columns.
