
LDAP Phone Number and Address Import

11年前 に Sarah L Farley によって更新されました。

LDAP Phone Number and Address Import

Junior Member 投稿: 37 参加年月日: 09/05/06 最新の投稿

I am wondering if it's possible and if anyone has an example of importing values from LDAP for user's phone number as well as address?

I assume you need to use com.liferay.portal.model.ContactModel, however I can't find example. If type for both are required, is this something I need to set manually on import?

Thanks in advance.
11年前 に Jignesh Vachhani によって更新されました。

RE: LDAP Phone Number and Address Import

Liferay Master 投稿: 803 参加年月日: 08/03/10 最新の投稿
Hi Sarah,

You can refer This blog link.
If still you confused , you can put your query here to make it rsolve.
11年前 に Sarah L Farley によって更新されました。

RE: LDAP Phone Number and Address Import

Junior Member 投稿: 37 参加年月日: 09/05/06 最新の投稿

I tried your suggestion and it's still now working. I would like to use the phone number and address fields already in place.

This is what I have in my portal-ext.properties file.

# Set the values used to connect to a LDAP store.
# The list of properties must end with a subsequent integer (0, 1, etc.) and
# it is assumed that the list has reached an end when the pattern or
# replacement is not set.
###replace with our connection information###

# When importing and exporting users, the portal will use this mapping to
# connect LDAP user attributes and portal user attributes.
# See com.liferay.portal.model.UserModel for a list of attributes.
# Set this to true to use the LDAP's password policy instead of the portal
# password policy.
# Active Directory stores information about the user account as a series of
# bit fields in the UserAccountControl attribute.
# If you want to prevent disabled accounts from logging into the portal you
# need to use a search filter similiar to the following:
# (&(objectclass=person)(userprincipalname=@email_address@)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.013556.0.4.803:=2)))
# See the following links:
#     http://support.microsoft.com/kb/305144/
#     http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=269181
ldap.auth.search.filter.0=(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName= (screen_name)))

# Settings for importing users and groups from LDAP to the portal. These
# setttings are not used unless the property "ldap.import.enabled" is set
# to true.
ldap.import.user.search.filter.0=(|(memberOf=CN=Staff,OU=Security Groups,DC=ern,DC=nps,DC=edu)(memberOf=CN=Students,OU=Security Groups,DC=ern,DC=nps,DC=edu)(memberOf=CN=Faculty,OU=Security Groups,DC=ern,DC=nps,DC=edu))

11年前 に Kaleem Mohammed によって更新されました。

RE: LDAP Phone Number and Address Import

New Member 投稿: 7 参加年月日: 12/04/04 最新の投稿
Sarah L Farley:

I tried your suggestion and it's still now working. I would like to use the phone number and address fields already in place.

This is what I have in my portal-ext.properties file.

# Set the values used to connect to a LDAP store.
# The list of properties must end with a subsequent integer (0, 1, etc.) and
# it is assumed that the list has reached an end when the pattern or
# replacement is not set.
###replace with our connection information###

# When importing and exporting users, the portal will use this mapping to
# connect LDAP user attributes and portal user attributes.
# See com.liferay.portal.model.UserModel for a list of attributes.
# Set this to true to use the LDAP's password policy instead of the portal
# password policy.
# Active Directory stores information about the user account as a series of
# bit fields in the UserAccountControl attribute.
# If you want to prevent disabled accounts from logging into the portal you
# need to use a search filter similiar to the following:
# (&(objectclass=person)(userprincipalname=@email_address@)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.013556.0.4.803:=2)))
# See the following links:
#     http://support.microsoft.com/kb/305144/
#     http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=269181
ldap.auth.search.filter.0=(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName= (screen_name)))

# Settings for importing users and groups from LDAP to the portal. These
# setttings are not used unless the property "ldap.import.enabled" is set
# to true.
ldap.import.user.search.filter.0=(|(memberOf=CN=Staff,OU=Security Groups,DC=ern,DC=nps,DC=edu)(memberOf=CN=Students,OU=Security Groups,DC=ern,DC=nps,DC=edu)(memberOf=CN=Faculty,OU=Security Groups,DC=ern,DC=nps,DC=edu))


Hi Sara,

Did you managed to get the solution to the above stated problem?

I am also looking to import phone and address from LDAP to liferay (existing phone n address fields ).

For your information, I am using Liferay 6.1 CE edition.

I managed to map all the basice fields like firstName, lastName, email, screenName, jobtitle.

Now, I want to import (map ) LDAP phone n address attributes to Liferay (phone n address).

Any help or pointers are highly appreciated.

11年前 に Kaleem Mohammed によって更新されました。

RE: LDAP Phone Number and Address Import

New Member 投稿: 7 参加年月日: 12/04/04 最新の投稿
Jignesh Vachhani:
Hi Sarah,

You can refer This blog link.
If still you confused , you can put your query here to make it rsolve.

Hi Jignesh,

I am also looking to import phone and address from LDAP to liferay (existing phone n address fields ).

For your information, I am using Liferay 6.1 CE edition.

I managed to map all the basice fields like firstName, lastName, email, screenName, jobtitle.

Now, I want to import (map ) LDAP phone n address attributes to Liferay (phone n address).

Any help or pointers are highly appreciated.

Is it possible to override com.liferay.portal.security.ldap.PortalLDAPImporterImpl using HOOKS in Liferay 6.1. ?

Or we need to go with EXT ?

10年前 に Aston Pearl によって更新されました。

RE: LDAP Phone Number and Address Import

Junior Member 投稿: 62 参加年月日: 13/02/04 最新の投稿
Hi, did u succeed to import telephoneNumber & address from LDAP to Liferay which actually displayed under user's profile.

Need the same thing here.

thnx in advance....