
Fuzzy Search Lucene

3ヶ月前 に haikel thamri によって更新されました。

Fuzzy Search Lucene

New Member 投稿: 2 参加年月日: 12/11/05 最新の投稿

I have a problem with the fuzzy search.
I have implemented an indexer to index all the AssetTag.

the query is:
+(name:rembours~) +(entryClassName:com.liferay.portlet.asset.model.AssetTag)
I used the BooleanQueryFactoryUtil to create my BooleanQuery.

To test the lucene query, I also used luke and it works fine, it return 2 results.
But with liferay, the same query (and the same file index) it return 0 results.
I used searchEngineUtil.search.
searchEngineUtil.search(searchContext.getSearchEngineId(­), PortalUtil.getDefaultCompanyId(), contextQuery, sorts, 0, nbrTag);
Any Idea?