
EXT-Umgebung: BeanCreationException

14年前 に Sabrina Ziebarth によって更新されました。

EXT-Umgebung: BeanCreationException

New Member 投稿: 3 参加年月日: 09/05/29 最新の投稿

kennt sich jemand mit der EXT-Umgebung aus? Ich habe heute versucht diese für Liferay 5.2.3 aufzusetzen mit dem Tomcat 5.5.27 Bundle auf einem Ubuntu 8.10.

Das Portal wird auch gebaut und ROOT überschrieben. Wenn ich allerdings dann den Tomcat starte, fliegen folgende Exceptions:

14:15:42,579 ERROR [ContextLoader:215] Context initialization failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'transactionAdvice' defined in class path resource [META-INF/base-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'liferayTransactionManager' while setting bean property 'transactionManager'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liferayTransactionManager' defined in class path resource [META-INF/hibernate-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'liferayHibernateSessionFactory' while setting bean property 'sessionFactory'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liferayHibernateSessionFactory' defined in class path resource [META-INF/hibernate-spring.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ext/portlet/reports/model/ReportsEntry
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liferayTransactionManager' defined in class path resource [META-INF/hibernate-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'liferayHibernateSessionFactory' while setting bean property 'sessionFactory'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liferayHibernateSessionFactory' defined in class path resource [META-INF/hibernate-spring.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ext/portlet/reports/model/ReportsEntry
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liferayHibernateSessionFactory' defined in class path resource [META-INF/hibernate-spring.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ext/portlet/reports/model/ReportsEntry
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ext/portlet/reports/model/ReportsEntry
ERROR [[/]:3768] Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class com.liferay.portal.spring.context.PortalContextLoaderListener
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'transactionAdvice' defined in class path resource [META-INF/base-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'liferayTransactionManager' while setting bean property 'transactionManager'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liferayTransactionManager' defined in class path resource [META-INF/hibernate-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'liferayHibernateSessionFactory' while setting bean property 'sessionFactory'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liferayHibernateSessionFactory' defined in class path resource [META-INF/hibernate-spring.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ext/portlet/reports/model/ReportsEntry
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liferayTransactionManager' defined in class path resource [META-INF/hibernate-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'liferayHibernateSessionFactory' while setting bean property 'sessionFactory'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'liferayHibernateSessionFactory' defined in class path resource [META-INF/hibernate-spring.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ext/portlet/reports/model/ReportsEntry

Hat jemand eine Idee, was ich falsch mache?
Danke schon mal.
14年前 に Axel Möschl によって更新されました。

RE: EXT-Umgebung: BeanCreationException

New Member 投稿: 22 参加年月日: 08/01/16 最新の投稿
wahrscheinlich hast du das Beispielportlet Report nicht korret oder garnicht gebaut und nur ein "deploy" durchgeführt.

Rufe mal build-sevice-portlet-reports in ext/ext-impl auf.
z.B. in der Konsole:
$[/werweiswoverzeichnis/ext-5.2.3/ext-impl]  ant build-service-portlet-reports

Dann werden die Serviceklassen erzeugt, die bei einer frischen Installation noch nicht vorhanden sind. Vielleicht war es das ja dann. Schau dir auch mal die Wikis vor 5 an. Dort findest du noch ein paar Einträge rund um die ext-Environment.

Gruß Axel