
CDN Information and Setup

16年前 に Chad Shryock によって更新されました。

CDN Information and Setup

Expert 投稿: 285 参加年月日: 06/08/27 最新の投稿

Is anyone out there using cdn?

How does it work? What content goes through it? How does liferay decide what to put through the cdn?

I couldn't find any information on the wiki, forums or Google. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I am interested in starting a wiki entry.

16年前 に Chad Shryock によって更新されました。

RE: CDN Information and Setup

Expert 投稿: 285 参加年月日: 06/08/27 最新の投稿
This is a new wiki entry at http://wiki.liferay.com/index.php/Content_Delivery_Network. Not much there yet. But I am sure the information will grow over time.
14年前 に Giuseppe Cinque によって更新されました。

RE: CDN Information and Setup

Junior Member 投稿: 36 参加年月日: 07/06/21 最新の投稿
have new information about CDN?

I have some file as image, .swf, .flv etc. on file system that I want to visualize in a portlet.

For example, in a jsp_portlet I have

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="740" height="568" id="main" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
<param name="movie" value="main.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
<embed src="main.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="540" height="568" name="main" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />

with main.swf in


but I have this warn log

11:27:59,390 WARN [PortalImpl:2860] Current URL /web/guest/main.swf generates exception: null

It might be useful CDN?

Thank you
13年前 に Olav Snoek によって更新されました。

RE: CDN Information and Setup

New Member 投稿: 6 参加年月日: 09/10/09 最新の投稿
Any news as to how to use this feature.
I have seen the effects of adding the cdn host (it will prepend all static files nicely with your cdn host emoticon ). But have not been able to figure out how to actually extract the static data.
Of course I could pull all the .css and .js files out of a liferay installation using a script but somehow I believe there should be an easier way of doing this.

What will happen to dynamically generated css like css.jsp, barebone.jsp etc.
13年前 に Steen Lehmann によって更新されました。

RE: CDN Information and Setup

New Member 投稿: 1 参加年月日: 10/09/01 最新の投稿
I've been unable to find any useful information on the CDN feature anywhere.

In my experience, it prepends the CDN host to all links to javascript and CSS, including dynamic stuff like css.jsp, which is less than helpful. I've been able to disable using JSP files for static content in all other places than the one I filed this JIRA issue for:


However, stuff like the image service (/image/whatever) seems to get the CDN host name prepended, at least in some cases, which obviously doesn't work.
13年前 に Olav Snoek によって更新されました。

RE: CDN Information and Setup

New Member 投稿: 6 参加年月日: 09/10/09 最新の投稿
I've tried getting static content by copying files from the tomcat temp directory to my CDN host. This is a pain because I needed to change filenames in order to have them correspond to the names generated by Liferay.

There must be an easier way to do this.

I've read optimization guides that say this is an easy to use feature and that Liferay uses it for their own site (cdn.www.liferay.com).

Is there nobody from Liferay that could shed some light on this?
13年前 に Philippe Dias によって更新されました。

RE: CDN Information and Setup

New Member 投稿: 7 参加年月日: 09/10/12 最新の投稿
would be really useful indeed to have some more info about this set-up. Especially now that Liferay is seen as a leader by Gartner emoticon

13年前 に Mark Chester によって更新されました。

RE: CDN Information and Setup

New Member 投稿: 1 参加年月日: 10/10/21 最新の投稿
I too am in need of this information. If this is one of those obvious "noob doesn't know what he's doing" issues, please respond explaining so.

9年前 に bitsof info によって更新されました。

RE: CDN Information and Setup

Junior Member 投稿: 46 参加年月日: 12/11/12 最新の投稿
Classic. Where are the docs?!? 2 years and no responses to this thread. Just this wiki page which effectively tells nothing useful

9年前 に Maria Smith によって更新されました。

RE: CDN Information and Setup

New Member 投稿: 2 参加年月日: 15/03/28 最新の投稿
wiki? really? https://www.liferay.com/community/forums/-/message_boards/search?_19_formDate=1427566093184&_19_redirect=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.liferay.com%252Fcommunity%252Fforums%252F-%252Fmessage_boards%252Fmessage%252F619306&_19_breadcrumbsCategoryId=0&_19_searchCategoryId=0&_19_keywords=cdn