
MOBILE - SimpleRedirect works, but doesn't load theme of the new page

Patrizia D, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

MOBILE - SimpleRedirect works, but doesn't load theme of the new page

New Member Postagens: 6 Data de Entrada: 21/04/10 Postagens Recentes
I used the mobile rules that does a simple redirect to another page on the same site (ex. from /web/guest/page1 to /web/guest/page2), which has a different theme (page1 has theme1 and page2 has theme2). The redirect works, but does not load css and js the current theme (theme2), but css and js page where I come from (theme1). How do I load the correct css?
I also noticed that the url in the address bar at the top does not refresh, it remains / web/guest/page1 instead of / web/guest/page2.
Help me, please!