
Liferay CE 6.1 GA2 performance

Tuomo Kujanpää, modificado 9 Anos atrás.

Liferay CE 6.1 GA2 performance

Junior Member Postagens: 32 Data de Entrada: 03/01/08 Postagens Recentes
Hi All,

We have Liferay CE 6.1 GA2 installed on the server and there are some performance issues, e.g. Web Content Portlet opens very slowly to editing mode (15-25 secs).

==> Do You have any ideas, how to boost the performance when the (private) Site has 3285 pages?


Ravi Kumar Gupta, modificado 9 Anos atrás.

RE: Liferay CE 6.1 GA2 performance

Liferay Legend Postagens: 1302 Data de Entrada: 24/06/09 Postagens Recentes
Try to run ySlow plugin of firefox on your site. See what are the issues it is reporting, and if they can be resolved.
David H Nebinger, modificado 9 Anos atrás.

RE: Liferay CE 6.1 GA2 performance

Liferay Legend Postagens: 14919 Data de Entrada: 02/09/06 Postagens Recentes
Tuomo Kujanpää, modificado 9 Anos atrás.

RE: Liferay CE 6.1 GA2 performance

Junior Member Postagens: 32 Data de Entrada: 03/01/08 Postagens Recentes
Thanks for your replies!

We found that 15-25 secs are consumed in the LayoutPersistenceImpl.findByG_P method when the Web Content Display portlet is opened to the editing mode. The general performance of our portal is fine, only the problem mentioned when opening web content.

It seems that the poor performance with web content editing correlates with the amout of pages in Site. Any ideas to overcome this? Or any version specific hints / observations?
Vilmos Papp, modificado 9 Anos atrás.

RE: Liferay CE 6.1 GA2 performance

Liferay Master Postagens: 529 Data de Entrada: 21/10/10 Postagens Recentes
Can you check what type of indexes are on the Layout table? Perhaps the relevant index is missing.
Harri Tuomela, modificado 9 Anos atrás.

RE: Liferay CE 6.1 GA2 performance

Junior Member Postagens: 44 Data de Entrada: 03/02/08 Postagens Recentes

Liferay has autogenerated these indexes:
CREATE INDEX ix_1a1b61d2 ON layout USING btree (groupid, privatelayout, type_);
CREATE INDEX ix_23922f7d ON layout USING btree (iconimageid);
CREATE INDEX ix_6de88b06 ON layout USING btree (groupid, privatelayout, parentlayoutid);
CREATE INDEX ix_705f5aa3 ON layout USING btree (groupid, privatelayout);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_7162c27c ON layout USING btree (groupid, privatelayout, layoutid);
CREATE INDEX ix_8ce8c0d9 ON layout USING btree (groupid, privatelayout, sourceprototypelayoutuuid);
CREATE INDEX ix_b529bfd3 ON layout USING btree (layoutprototypeuuid);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_bc2c4231 ON layout USING btree (groupid, privatelayout, friendlyurl);
CREATE INDEX ix_c099d61a ON layout USING btree (groupid);
CREATE INDEX ix_c7fbc998 ON layout USING btree (companyid);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_ced31606 ON layout USING btree (uuid_, groupid);
CREATE INDEX ix_d0822724 ON layout USING btree (uuid_);

The third one
CREATE INDEX ix_6de88b06 ON layout USING btree (groupid, privatelayout, parentlayoutid);
matches to the where clause of an SQL statement
SELECT layoutimpl0_.plid AS plid14_
	,layoutimpl0_.uuid_ AS uuid2_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.groupId AS groupId14_
	,layoutimpl0_.companyId AS companyId14_
	,layoutimpl0_.createDate AS createDate14_
	,layoutimpl0_.modifiedDate AS modified6_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.privateLayout AS privateL7_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.layoutId AS layoutId14_
	,layoutimpl0_.parentLayoutId AS parentLa9_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.NAME AS name14_
	,layoutimpl0_.title AS title14_
	,layoutimpl0_.description AS descrip12_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.keywords AS keywords14_
	,layoutimpl0_.robots AS robots14_
	,layoutimpl0_.type_ AS type15_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.typeSettings AS typeSet16_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.hidden_ AS hidden17_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.friendlyURL AS friendl18_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.iconImage AS iconImage14_
	,layoutimpl0_.iconImageId AS iconIma20_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.themeId AS themeId14_
	,layoutimpl0_.colorSchemeId AS colorSc22_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.wapThemeId AS wapThemeId14_
	,layoutimpl0_.wapColorSchemeId AS wapColo24_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.css AS css14_
	,layoutimpl0_.priority AS priority14_
	,layoutimpl0_.layoutPrototypeUuid AS layoutP27_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.layoutPrototypeLinkEnabled AS layoutP28_14_
	,layoutimpl0_.sourcePrototypeLayoutUuid AS sourceP29_14_
FROM Layout layoutimpl0_
WHERE (layoutimpl0_.groupId = $1)
	AND (layoutimpl0_.privateLayout = $2)
	AND (layoutimpl0_.parentLayoutId = $3)
ORDER BY layoutimpl0_.parentLayoutId ASC
	,layoutimpl0_.priority ASC
which is run for each page (why?!?) of the current site when opening Web Content Portlet... in our case several thousand times since we have several thousand pages in a single site.

None of the indexes matches to the order by clause of the statement so we created also index
create index layout_parentlayoutid_priority_idx on layout (parentlayoutid,priority);
but it didn't help.
Olaf Kock, modificado 9 Anos atrás.

RE: Liferay CE 6.1 GA2 performance

Liferay Legend Postagens: 6403 Data de Entrada: 23/09/08 Postagens Recentes
As CE only gets updates until the next version is out, and 6.2 is out now for quite a while, I'd like to suggest that you check if the problem still persists on 6.2 - if it doesn't, it's probably a fixed issue and you can try to locate it on issues.liferay.com - if necessary, backport (locate the issue number on the sourcecode (https://github.com/liferay/). Or "just" update to 6.2 (no pun intended).

Not to have too much of a sales pitch here, 6.1 EE is still well supported for a while, in case you don't want to do a major version update now and can't backport.

This is probably not the answer you're looking for, but I currently can't set aside some time to dig deeper and test/reproduce. Sorry
Tuomo Kujanpää, modificado 9 Anos atrás.

RE: Liferay CE 6.1 GA2 performance

Junior Member Postagens: 32 Data de Entrada: 03/01/08 Postagens Recentes
Hi Vilmos,

Vilmos Papp:
Can you check what type of indexes are on the Layout table? Perhaps the relevant index is missing.

Please, check below Harri´s answer about the indexes on the Layout table.

