
Set JSF value in two different beans

Besart Jashari, modificado 9 Anos atrás.

Set JSF value in two different beans

New Member Postagens: 5 Data de Entrada: 16/04/15 Postagens Recentes
I have a SelectOneMenu dropdown list in JSF. I need selected value from dropdown list to use in two different ManagedBean. How can I solve this.


<p:selectonemenu id="staticEmployeeListEId" value="#{tableAdminMBean.staticEmployeeListEmployee}" onchange="selectEmployeeByStaticEmployeeList()">
	<f:selectitems value="#{tableAdminMBean.staticEmployeeLists}" var="staticEmployeeList" itemLabel="#{staticEmployeeList.name}" itemValue="#{staticEmployeeList}" />


@ManagedBean(name = "tableAdminMBean")
public class TableAdminMBean extends BaseMBean implements Serializable
	//EmployeeListEmployee represent many-to-many relationship betweeb Employee table and StaticEmployeeList table in database
	private StaticEmployeeList staticEmployeeListEmployee;


@ManagedBean(name = "employeeMBean")
public class EmployeeMBean extends BaseMBean implements Serializable
	public void setToList()
			EmployeeStaticEmployeeList a = new EmployeeStaticEmployeeListImpl();
			a.setEmployeeId(getEmployeeId());  // getEmployeeId()
			a.setStaticEmployeeListId( staticEmployeeListEmployee.getStaticEmplyeeListId() );  // I need "staticEmployeeListEmployee" to get from TableAdminMBean
		catch(SystemException s)
Juan Gonzalez, modificado 9 Anos atrás.

RE: Set JSF value in two different beans

Liferay Legend Postagens: 3089 Data de Entrada: 28/10/08 Postagens Recentes
Hi Besart,

you can use the standard injection mechanism, using @ManagedProperty annotation and then specify there an EL expression pointing to the Managed bean that is used to store that value in xhtml.