

Нил OB, modificado 13 Anos atrás.


New Member Postagens: 11 Data de Entrada: 30/01/11 Postagens Recentes

How to configure the SMTP mail?
Portal Version 6.0.5

05:22:25,848 WARN [MailEngine: 482] Failed to connect to a valid mail server. Please make sure one is properly configured. Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25

Created a file called portal-ext.propertis with text:
mail.session.jndi.name = mail / mailsession

In the file conf / Catalina / lotsalhost / ROOT.hml
3 name = "mail / MailSession"
4 auth = "Container"
5 type = "javax.mail.Session"
6 mail.imap.host = "imap.gmail.com"
7 mail.imap.port = "993"
8 mail.pop.host = "pop.gmail.com"
9 mail.store.protocol = "imap"
10 mail.transport.protocol = "smtp"
11 mail.smtp.host = "smtp.gmail.com"
12 mail.smtp.port = "465"
13 mail.smtp.auth = "true"
14 mail.smtp.starttls.enable = "true"
15 mail.smtp.user = "username"
16 password = "password"
17 mail.smtp.socketFactory.class = "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory"
18 />

The result is the same
Scarletake Bwi, modificado 3 Anos atrás.


Expert Postagens: 326 Data de Entrada: 20/12/10 Postagens Recentes
you don't have to do that.

you can config one liferay portal's control panel.
it's works.

one thing, the password, isn't your google password, it is from google account's two step password( ^^ sorry, i forget the real name).

good day