
User Monitoring / User status (Online / Offline)

kiesa viciius,修改在11 年前。

User Monitoring / User status (Online / Offline)

Junior Member 帖子: 28 加入日期: 11-8-22 最近的帖子
Hey ,

I have tried to enable the Liferay Monitoring tool to track current online users . I have enabled live users and some other stuff :


after that I have restarted the server and logged in with Bruno (Firefox) Richard (Chrome) and Test (Opera) , the Monitoring tool wasn't showing any users Online I only saw the message "There are no live sessions. " although I'm logged in with 3 users.

Is this because of the Bug : http://issues.liferay.com/browse/LPS-24822 or am I doing it wrong ?

I'm working with Liferay 6.1.0 CE-GA1
Florencia Hernández,修改在11 年前。

RE: User Monitoring / User status (Online / Offline)

Regular Member 帖子: 146 加入日期: 12-3-27 最近的帖子
I have the same problem, even loggin in with different machines.

Has anyone been able to make this work?
Joe D,修改在11 年前。

RE: User Monitoring / User status (Online / Offline)

New Member 帖子: 12 加入日期: 12-4-19 最近的帖子

I got the same issue.


I saw this error when the user login and fixed it but it does not help.

18:57:37,564 INFO [stdout] (ajp-- com.liferay.portal.kernel.events.ActionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
18:57:37,564 INFO [stdout] (ajp-- at com.liferay.portal.events.LoginPostAction.run(LoginPostAction.java:103)
Julien Ripault,修改在11 年前。

RE: User Monitoring / User status (Online / Offline)

New Member 帖子: 15 加入日期: 12-3-19 最近的帖子

got the same issue. I dig a bit in the Liferay code and I stumble upon that method :
getLocalClusterNode() in the CLusterExecutorUtil. The NPE comes from here where _clusterExecutor seems not to be instanciated.
I tried to go further but I found nothing

Any help will be appreciated

Joe D,修改在11 年前。

RE: User Monitoring / User status (Online / Offline)

New Member 帖子: 12 加入日期: 12-4-19 最近的帖子
I hope this might help someone

There is a bug in LoginPostAction.java. You need to fix this in EXT plug in (or ext environment)

if (PropsValues.LIVE_USERS_ENABLED) {
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject();

String clusterNodeId = "0";

ClusterNode clusterNode = ClusterExecutorUtil.getLocalClusterNode();
if (clusterNode != null){
clusterNodeId = clusterNode.getClusterNodeId();

jsonObject.put("clusterNodeId", clusterNodeId);
jsonObject.put("command", "signIn");
jsonObject.put("companyId", companyId);
jsonObject.put("remoteAddr", request.getRemoteAddr());
jsonObject.put("remoteHost", request.getRemoteHost());
jsonObject.put("sessionId", session.getId());

String userAgent = request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT);

jsonObject.put("userAgent", userAgent);

userId = PortalUtil.getUserId(request);

jsonObject.put("userId", userId);

DestinationNames.LIVE_USERS, jsonObject.toString());
Lazuardi Hilmil Muttaqien,修改在11 年前。

RE: User Monitoring / User status (Online / Offline)

New Member 帖子: 2 加入日期: 12-8-24 最近的帖子
Dear Joe

I found 5 LoginPostAction.java when i search.


Which should I update the script?
Luis Mas,修改在11 年前。

RE: User Monitoring / User status (Online / Offline)

Regular Member 帖子: 146 加入日期: 09-5-18 最近的帖子
None of them, you should look at source code: portal-impl\src\com\liferay\portal\events/LoginPostAction.java.

For that you should develop a Hook or Ext: