
liferay accordion pannel behaviour

Kushnoor Pathan,修改在9 年前。

liferay accordion pannel behaviour

New Member 帖子: 19 加入日期: 14-2-23 最近的帖子
Hi Please help me,

Liferay accordion pannel is not behaving as expected. on load sometimes its loading two pannels at a time.At a time only one pannel should be opened.I want to maintain state.Please tell me how to do it.below is my code.
<liferay-ui:panel-container id="panel-container-1" extended="<%= true %>" accordion="<%= true %>" persistState="<%= true %>" cssClass="liferayContainer">
<liferay-ui:panel id="panel-c1" title="" collapsible="<%= true %>" extended="<%= true %>" persistState="<%= true %>" defaultState="closed">
<div class="emptyPanel"></div>
<liferay-ui:panel id="panel-c2" title="Combo Box" collapsible="<%= true %>" extended="<%= true %>" persistState="<%= true %>" defaultState="closed">
<liferay-ui:panel id="panel-c3" title="Combo Box" collapsible="<%= true %>" extended="<%= true %>" persistState="<%= true %>" defaultState="closed">
<liferay-ui:panel id="panel-c4" title="Combo Box" collapsible="<%= true %>" extended="<%= true %>" persistState="<%= true %>" defaultState="closed">