
FCK Editor is cancelling encoded e-mail links

Diana Lee Diehl,修改在14 年前。

FCK Editor is cancelling encoded e-mail links

New Member 帖子: 23 加入日期: 08-7-7 最近的帖子

How can I get the FCK editor to stop overwriting my encoded e-mail address links? To preent spam, we transform our ascii email addresses into their equivalent decimal entitities. This has really cut down on the email harvesters sending spam to our help desk. However, when I put he following code into the Source window of the FCK Editor. it transforms it back into spammable form.

<a href="&#104;&#101;&#108;&#112;&#064;&#116;&#101;&#114;&#097;&#103;&#114;&#105;&#100;&#046;&#111;&#114;&#103;">Email the Help Desk</a>

is changed to:

<a href="mailto:blahblah@blah.org">Email the Help Desk</a>

It doesn't do it in this posting window; why does it do it in my Liferay editor?

Diana Lee Diehl,修改在14 年前。

RE: FCK Editor is cancelling encoded e-mail links

New Member 帖子: 23 加入日期: 08-7-7 最近的帖子
FCKEditor seems to have a great deal of problem respecting code from the source view. The overwriting of code happens in all these areas:

* email encoding
* < pre > tags (white space removed and pre ignored
* code formatting in editor: tiny box is very difficult, but even when you bring it to another editor and copy it back over, FCKEditor wipes out all code formatting when it saves
* broken tags are handled very badly FCK Editor tries to close the tags and moves content around
* ignores outermost nested <div > tags and overwrites them. E.g., I have < div class = "main_content" >at beginning and </div> at end of every content section, FCKEditor overwrites the closing < / div> with <div>&nbsp;< / div > on every single page, making my code faulty. If I fix it, it changes it right back.