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RE: Mail porlet - has anyone else seen this error message

gordon daniels, modificado hace 13 años.

Mail porlet - has anyone else seen this error message

Liferay Master Mensajes: 797 Fecha de incorporación: 24/08/08 Mensajes recientes
I am testing 6.0.3. I created an email account for myself and all works.
I created a second user and then logged in as that user.
I then created an email account. It says it created successfully. When I access email account the only thing showing is Inbox. No Drafts, Sent, or trash. Does anyone know what is going on here.

Also, when sending a message I get this error msg:

'Unable to send message: No folder exists with primary key'

Really would appreciate some insight. I want to add a couple of users so they can test liferay with me.

JR Houn, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Mail porlet after config is not displaying correctly

Expert Mensajes: 488 Fecha de incorporación: 19/11/07 Mensajes recientes
Hi Gordon -
Can you stop by and create a bug ticket for the issue you've encountered with the mail portlet?

gordon daniels, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Mail porlet after config is not displaying correctly

Liferay Master Mensajes: 797 Fecha de incorporación: 24/08/08 Mensajes recientes
I was not aware that its a bug.:-) . I just assumed something I configured was not working. Yes, I will enter it at
Maarten van Heiningen, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Mail porlet after config is not displaying correctly

Regular Member Mensajes: 174 Fecha de incorporación: 5/02/09 Mensajes recientes

I'm getting the same message regarding the 'folder not found with primary key'.

I could not find the issue in

Is this issue fixed in 6.0.4?

I need this to work.

Maarten van Heiningen, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Mail porlet after config is not displaying correctly

Regular Member Mensajes: 174 Fecha de incorporación: 5/02/09 Mensajes recientes
My problem with the folders not being found was simple.

The domain was not yet completely known by the system, so my IMAP connections were not yet okay.

Problem is fixed now.
Torbjorn L Luth, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Mail porlet after config is not displaying correctly

New Member Mensajes: 3 Fecha de incorporación: 13/09/09 Mensajes recientes
Can you describe how you solved the problem. I have tried to configure IMAP in ROOT.xml and trough tha java client interface but I get the same error messsage "Unable to send message. No folder exists with the primary key 0"
Maarten van Heiningen, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Mail porlet after config is not displaying correctly

Regular Member Mensajes: 174 Fecha de incorporación: 5/02/09 Mensajes recientes
Hi Torbjorn,

I have configured the out going mail to an ISP which we can use so not "localmail" on the linux server.

For the folders not found issue you just need to connect to your IMAP server using Outlook or a mail client like that. It finds there are no IMAP folders configured so it will autogenerate them for you.

Hope this helps,
Torbjorn L Luth, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Mail porlet after config is not displaying correctly

New Member Mensajes: 3 Fecha de incorporación: 13/09/09 Mensajes recientes
Thank you Maarten

Best regards

hari p, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Mail porlet after config is not displaying correctly

New Member Mensajes: 2 Fecha de incorporación: 8/11/10 Mensajes recientes

I have the following set up.
IMAP with maildir setup to get the new mails.
Postfix is installed properly and everything points to localhost.

I am trying to send an email to one of the user on the ubuntu box.
When i try with hari@localhost, mail portlet complains that the its not in the proper format.
When i try to send it to, it throws the exception "no folder exist with primary key 0".

I am using liferay 6.0.5 CE. Please throw some light on this.
Rick Dangerous, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Mail porlet after config is not displaying correctly

Junior Member Mensajes: 61 Fecha de incorporación: 25/01/11 Mensajes recientes
Maarten van Heiningen:
For the folders not found issue you just need to connect to your IMAP server using Outlook or a mail client like that. It finds there are no IMAP folders configured so it will autogenerate them for you.

Hope this helps,

how do you autogenerate this?

I add my imap account to outlook, but no one folder is created.
Eric Min, modificado hace 13 años.

RE: Mail porlet - has anyone else seen this error message

Junior Member Mensajes: 31 Fecha de incorporación: 5/10/09 Mensajes recientes
It seems your issue is related to and our engineer has already worked on this ticket.

Let me know if the issue is the same as yours.