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RE: call liferay's portrait update from custom portlet

juan meza, modificado hace 8 años.

call liferay's portrait update from custom portlet

Regular Member Mensajes: 228 Fecha de incorporación: 6/01/14 Mensajes recientes
hi, i have liferay 6.2 GA4 and i have a question

i want to use liferay's user portrait change, but i dont want to copy all the code to my portlet...

is there a way to call liferay's portrait update from my portlet? just like in a render URL or something like that... call the edit_user_portrait struts action from liferay's my account portlet, and then let liferay do everything else... update the image, show errors, etc...

using this for example: (this is the code in liferay's my account portlet, to call the pop up that updates the portrait)
<portlet:renderurl var="editUserPortraitURL" windowstate="<%= LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString() %>">
          <portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/users_admin/edit_user_portrait" />
          <portlet:param name="redirect" value="<%= currentURL %>" />
          <portlet:param name="p_u_i_d" value="<%= String.valueOf(selUser.getUserId()) %>" />
          <portlet:param name="portrait_id" value="<%= String.valueOf(selUser.getPortraitId()) %>" />

i want something like this, but this is not working... where i tell the portlet name (users admin in this case) where the struts action lives... and let liferay handle the rest..
<liferay-portlet:renderurl portletname="<%=PortletKeys.USERS_ADMIN %>" var="editUserPortraitURL" windowstate="<%= LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString() %>">
        <portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/users_admin/edit_user_portrait" />
        <portlet:param name="redirect" value="<%= currentURL %>" />
	<portlet:param name="p_u_i_d" value="<%= String.valueOf(selUser.getUserId()) %>" />
	<portlet:param name="portrait_id" value="<%= String.valueOf(selUser.getPortraitId()) %>" />

for this i imported the <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-portlet"%>

this code gives me a permissions error:
You do not have the roles required to access this portlet.

but i doesnt send any error in the log..

how can i make this work? what im i missing?

thank you!!
juan meza, modificado hace 8 años.

RE: call liferay's portrait update from custom portlet (Respuesta)

Regular Member Mensajes: 228 Fecha de incorporación: 6/01/14 Mensajes recientes

ill leave the code here in case anyone needs if, or for future references

what i ended up doing, is to use the url liferay generates when changing the portrait in my account

String editPortraitUrl = themeDisplay.getPortalURL()+"/group/control_panel/manage?p_p_id=2&amp;p_p_lifecy‌​cle=0&amp;p_p_state=pop_up&amp;p_p_mode=view&amp;_2_portrait_id=0&amp;_2_p_u_i_d="+themeDisplay.getUserId()+"&amp;_2_struts_action=%2Fmy_account%2Fedit_user_portrait";
<liferay-ui:logo-selector currentLogoURL="<%= selUser.getPortraitURL(themeDisplay) %>" defaultLogoURL="<%= UserConstants.getPortraitURL(themeDisplay.getPathImage(), selUser.isMale(), 0) %>" editLogoURL="<%=editPortraitUrl %>" imageId="<%= selUser.getPortraitId() %>" logoDisplaySelector=".user-logo" />
Guillaume Lenoir, modificado hace 7 años.

RE: call liferay's portrait update from custom portlet

New Member Mensajes: 5 Fecha de incorporación: 14/07/12 Mensajes recientes

Try this =>

			<liferay-portlet:renderurl refererplid="<%= themeDisplay.getPlid() %>" plid="<%= PortalUtil.getControlPanelPlid(renderRequest) %>" portletname="<%= PortletKeys.MY_ACCOUNT %>" var="editUserPortraitURL" windowstate="<%= LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString() %>">
				<portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/my_account/edit_user_portrait" />
				<portlet:param name="redirect" value="<%= PortalUtil.getCurrentURL(request) %>" />
				<portlet:param name="p_u_i_d" value="<%= String.valueOf(user.getUserId()) %>" />
				<portlet:param name="portrait_id" value="<%= String.valueOf(user.getPortraitId()) %>" />
			<liferay-ui:logo-selector currentLogoURL="<%=user.getPortraitURL(themeDisplay) %>" defaultLogoURL="<%=UserConstants.getPortraitURL(themeDisplay.getPathImage(), user.isMale(), 0) %>" editLogoURL="<%= editUserPortraitURL %>" showBackground="true" imageId="<%=user.getPortraitId() %>" logoDisplaySelector=".user-logo" />

function _&lt;%= PortletKeys.MY_ACCOUNT %&gt;_changeLogo(url){
        	<portlet:namespace />changeLogo(url);