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Deploying ext to Liferay with Maven

Guillaume K, modifié il y a 11 années.

Deploying ext to Liferay with Maven

New Member Publications: 11 Date d'inscription: 06/03/12 Publications récentes
Hi there,

I have my ext project built with maven archetype that looks like that :


I have customize portlet-ext.xml in myproject-liferay-ext-web and i want to deploy my ext.
So in the folder myproject-liferay, i run "mvn package".
Then "mvn liferay:deploy"

And after that, i have in my tomcat/webapp/folders :


Why do i have this myproject-liferay-ext-web-1.0.0.SNAPSHOT ?

What are the correct goals to build and deploy the ext, and from where (which folder ?)
Alexey Melnikov, modifié il y a 11 années.

RE: Deploying ext to Liferay with Maven

Regular Member Publications: 108 Date d'inscription: 27/03/12 Publications récentes
Found the same problem.

You should execute deploy not from folder with parent pom.xml, here you need call mvn install
liferay:deploy command should be called from [artifactId]-ext folder.