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Criteria for deciding what type of portlet to use

Parag Phatak, modifié il y a 13 années.

Criteria for deciding what type of portlet to use

New Member Publications: 3 Date d'inscription: 30/10/10 Publications récentes
Is there a criteria based on which one should go for a particular type of portlet?

i.e when should one go for the following types
- JSP portlets
- Struts portlets
- Spring portlets
- IceFaces portlets
jelmer kuperus, modifié il y a 13 années.

RE: Criteria for deciding what type of portlet to use

Liferay Legend Publications: 1191 Date d'inscription: 10/03/10 Publications récentes
- JSP portlets

a. You enjoy reinventing the wheel
b. Writing hello world apps is your core business

- Struts portlets

a. You have a beard, kids and a mortgage and have been developing webapps since 1999 while not learning anything new*
b. People force you to

- Spring portlets

a. You are a moderately sane person

- IceFaces portlets

a. You need the widgets it provides and are willing to trade crying yourself to sleep every night for them**
b. You do not care about session footprint

* Assuming struts 1, struts 2 is not as bad, but lacks jsr 286 support
** I only used jsf 1.0, who knows maybe jsf 2.0 is all that but i seriously doubt it