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Doesn't work to set permissions on journal article

Jack Palm, modifié il y a 8 années.

Doesn't work to set permissions on journal article

New Member Publications: 4 Date d'inscription: 29/01/16 Publications récentes
I am adding a journal article in code in one of my portlets. It all works fine. But I only want a few organizations to see the article and because of this I try to set Resource Permissions "View" for these Organizations and remove the actions from Guest and User roles.

Each Organization has its own role. I do not get what I am doing wrong here. Is it because I am trying to set an empty string[] with action ids for guest and user? Or am I doing the hole thing wrong?

Problem is everyone can see the article and the code runs without errors but I do not want everyone to see the article. orgsArray = is an array with the organizations ids.


			for(int i = 0; i < orgsArray.length; i++){

				long orgID = Long.valueOf(orgsArray[i]).longValue();
				String[] actionIds = new String[1];
				actionIds[0] = "VIEW";
				Organization org = OrganizationLocalServiceUtil.getOrganization(orgID);
				String primKey = ja.getPrimaryKey() + "";
				if(i == 0){
					String[] actionIdsUser = new String[0];
					Role user = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(ja.getCompanyId(), RoleConstants.USER);
					ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.setResourcePermissions(ja.getCompanyId(), "com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle", 4, primKey, user.getRoleId(), actionIdsUser);
					Role guest = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(ja.getCompanyId(), RoleConstants.GUEST);
					ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.setResourcePermissions(ja.getCompanyId(), "com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle", 4, primKey, guest.getRoleId(), actionIdsUser);
				Role role = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(ja.getCompanyId(), org.getName());
				ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.setResourcePermissions(ja.getCompanyId(), "com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle", 4, primKey, role.getRoleId(), actionIds);

			AssetEntry ae = AssetEntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntry(JournalArticle.class.getName(), ja.getResourcePrimKey());
			List<assetcategory> l = AssetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategories("com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle", ja.getResourcePrimKey());

			for (AssetCategory ac : l){
				AssetEntryUtil.removeAssetCategory(ae.getPrimaryKey(), ac);
			AssetCategory assetCategory = AssetCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getAssetCategory(Long.valueOf(securityClass));
			AssetEntryUtil.addAssetCategory(ae.getPrimaryKey(), assetCategory); 

Juan Gonzalez, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Doesn't work to set permissions on journal article

Liferay Legend Publications: 3089 Date d'inscription: 28/10/08 Publications récentes
Hi Jack,

did you try setting this property to "true"? (false by default):

    # Set this to true to check that a user has the VIEW permission on a
    # Journal article when its content is rendered.
Jack Palm, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Doesn't work to set permissions on journal article

New Member Publications: 4 Date d'inscription: 29/01/16 Publications récentes

Yes, it is in my

Should I change anything in my code?

Jack Palm, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Doesn't work to set permissions on journal article

New Member Publications: 4 Date d'inscription: 29/01/16 Publications récentes
I have done some more research and it looks like something in my code is wrong but I cant figure out what. I tried to print the roles for the resource permissions from the Journal Article after I added them but the only Resource Permission printed is "Owner". Even though in the first loop I print all the Roles and they look all fine.

I hope someone can tell me what is wrong with this new information! Thnx

First print when setting the Resource permissions:


Second print when getting the resource permission (no errors but they were never added):


for(int i = 0; i &lt; orgsArray.length; i++){

				long orgID = Long.valueOf(orgsArray[i]).longValue();
				String[] actionIds = new String[1];
				actionIds[0] = "VIEW";
				Organization org = OrganizationLocalServiceUtil.getOrganization(orgID);
				String primKey = ja.getPrimaryKey() + "";
				if(i == 0){
					String[] actionIdsUser = new String[0];
					Role user = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(ja.getCompanyId(), RoleConstants.USER);
					ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.setResourcePermissions(ja.getCompanyId(), "com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle", 4, primKey, user.getRoleId(), actionIdsUser);
					Role guest = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(ja.getCompanyId(), RoleConstants.GUEST);
					ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.setResourcePermissions(ja.getCompanyId(), "com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle", 4, primKey, guest.getRoleId(), actionIdsUser);
				Role role = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(ja.getCompanyId(), org.getName());
				System.out.println("ROLE UNDER WORK: " + role.getName());
				ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.setResourcePermissions(ja.getCompanyId(), "com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.JournalArticle", 4, primKey, role.getRoleId(), actionIds);
			List<resourcepermission> list = ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.getResourcePermissions(ja.getCompanyId(), JournalArticle.class.getName(), 4, String.valueOf(ja.getResourcePrimKey()));
			for(ResourcePermission rp : list)
				Role role = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(rp.getRoleId());
				String roleName = role.getName().trim(); 
				System.out.println("ROLE NAME: " + roleName);
Rautureau Jérôme, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Doesn't work to set permissions on journal article

Junior Member Publications: 52 Date d'inscription: 22/02/08 Publications récentes
Same problem on my installation (Worked on LFR 6.2.2, broken on LFR 6.2.5)

i want to add automatically guest view permission in a listener (onAfterUpdate)

ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.hasResourcePermission(companyId, JournalArticle.class.getName(),
            ResourceConstants.SCOPE_INDIVIDUAL, Long.toString(model.getPrimaryKey()), roleId, ActionKeys.VIEW)

returns always false...

final long roleId = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(companyId, RoleConstants.GUEST).getRoleId();
        final Map<long, string[]> roles = new HashMap<long, string[]>();
        roles.put(roleId, new String[] { ActionKeys.VIEW });
        if (!ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.hasResourcePermission(companyId, JournalArticle.class.getName(),
            ResourceConstants.SCOPE_INDIVIDUAL, Long.toString(model.getPrimaryKey()), roleId, ActionKeys.VIEW)) {
          ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.setResourcePermissions(companyId, JournalArticle.class.getName(),
              ResourceConstants.SCOPE_INDIVIDUAL, Long.toString(model.getPrimaryKey()), roles);

I have told to my users to add content from Frontend website (witch adds the permission correctly)
Rautureau Jérôme, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Doesn't work to set permissions on journal article

Junior Member Publications: 52 Date d'inscription: 22/02/08 Publications récentes
OK in the DB i have seen that we have to take the model.getResourcePrimKey() for JournalArticle and not the model.getPrimKey()

despite that always not seen Guest view permission correctly set...

Full code :

        final long roleId = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(companyId, RoleConstants.GUEST).getRoleId();
        final Map<long, string[]> roles = new HashMap<long, string[]>();
        roles.put(roleId, new String[] { ActionKeys.VIEW });
        if (!ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.hasResourcePermission(companyId, JournalArticle.class.getName(),
            ResourceConstants.SCOPE_INDIVIDUAL, Long.toString(model.getResourcePrimKey()), roleId, ActionKeys.VIEW)) {
          ResourcePermissionLocalServiceUtil.setResourcePermissions(companyId, JournalArticle.class.getName(),
              ResourceConstants.SCOPE_INDIVIDUAL, Long.toString(model.getResourcePrimKey()), roles);