
Faceted Searching in 6.1

Jonathan Lloyd, modificado 12 Anos atrás.

Faceted Searching in 6.1

New Member Postagens: 5 Data de Entrada: 30/01/12 Postagens Recentes

I am trying to create a basic faceted search using the 6.1 search API, but have been running into some issues. I'm fairly new to using Liferay and there doesn't seem to be any real documentation on how to do this. I basically want the user to search based on a keyword, category, subcategory, and added date range. I've looked over Ray Auge's blog post and I'm still confused as to what does what.

It seems that whenever I provide a keyword to the SearchContext object that always overrides whatever categoryIds I set using searchContext.setCategoryIds(new long[]{ 11702 }). Also, when trying to use the JSON facet configuration to search a category it seems to have no effect at all. Does setting values in the SearchContext object take precedence over the facet configuration?

In short, I'm totally lost as to what does what. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Here is a snippet of my code. What I'm trying to accomplish here is search for a keyword in any asset in the 'DOC' category.

SearchContext searchContext = SearchContextFactory.getInstance(PortalUtil.getHttpServletRequest(request));

StringBundler sb = new StringBundler(6);
sb.append("{facets: [");
sb.append("{className: 'com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.facet.MultiValueFacet', data: {displayStyle: 'list', frequencyThreshold: 0, maxTerms: 10, showAssetCount: true, values: ['DOC']}, displayStyle: 'asset_tags', fieldName: 'assetCategoryNames', label: 'category', order: 'OrderHitsDesc', static: false, weight: 1.3},");

List<facetconfiguration> fcs = FacetConfigurationUtil.load(sb.toString());
for (FacetConfiguration fc : fcs) {
	searchContext.addFacet(FacetFactoryUtil.create(searchContext, fc));
Indexer indexer = FacetedSearcher.getInstance();
Hits hits = indexer.search(searchContext);
String[] queryTerms = hits.getQueryTerms();
List<document> docs = hits.toList();
for (Document d : docs) {
	logger.debug("showSearch() - d: " + d.toString());
Brian Scott Schupbach, modificado 11 Anos atrás.

RE: Faceted Searching in 6.1

Expert Postagens: 329 Data de Entrada: 23/10/08 Postagens Recentes
I'm having the same issue. Filtering by categories doesn't work if I add a keyword... My code looks almost exactly like yours. If you've figured it out, I would be very interested in hearing how you did it.


Brian Scott Schupbach, modificado 10 Anos atrás.

RE: Faceted Searching in 6.1

Expert Postagens: 329 Data de Entrada: 23/10/08 Postagens Recentes
FYI: This has been confirmed to be a bug in liferay 6.1 GA2
Florencia Gadea, modificado 10 Anos atrás.

RE: Faceted Searching in 6.1

Regular Member Postagens: 146 Data de Entrada: 27/03/12 Postagens Recentes

I'm trying to search by categoryId in Liferay 6.1 GA 1 and it doesn't work either. Is it a bug in that version too?


Sai Sriharsha Kasturi, modificado 10 Anos atrás.

RE: Faceted Searching in 6.1

Junior Member Postagens: 34 Data de Entrada: 21/10/12 Postagens Recentes
Please try to search based on assetCategoryIds not assetCategoryNames, then it'll work
meera prince, modificado 10 Anos atrás.

RE: Faceted Searching in 6.1

Liferay Legend Postagens: 1111 Data de Entrada: 08/02/11 Postagens Recentes
Please have a look into Jukebox portlet there you can find faced search related stuff


Meera Prince
Zdeněk Zdeněk, modificado 8 Anos atrás.

RE: Faceted Searching in 6.1

New Member Postagens: 12 Data de Entrada: 04/06/14 Postagens Recentes

Does anybody have a solution to this problem?

I'm trying to find items over SearchContext using keywords and filtering across categories. Unfortunately method searchContext.setCategoryIds(categoryIds); has no effect on the search :-(

I have installed Liferay 6.2 GA 4

Thank you very much for help


my code:

 HttpServletRequest httpRequest = PortalUtil.getOriginalServletRequest(PortalUtil
    SearchContext searchContext = SearchContextFactory.getInstance(httpRequest);

    long[] categoryIds = { 846405 };
    Facet assetEntriesFacet = new AssetEntriesFacet(searchContext);



    Facet scopeFacet = new ScopeFacet(searchContext);



    Indexer indexer = FacetedSearcher.getInstance();

    Hits hits = indexer.search(searchContext);

    List<com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.document> documents = hits.toList();
