Manufacturing Customer Portals

Soluzioni di Digital Experience per Aziende Manifatturiere e Distributori

Cresci e soddisfa le aspettative di nuovi clienti con esperienze digitali moderne.
Commerce B2B
Offri una Customer Experience ottimizzata ed efficace, supporta le richieste B2B più complesse e promuovi l'adozione dei tuoi canali di vendita online attraverso strumenti di digital experience con funzionalità e-commerce
Portale Distributori e Fornitori
Fornisci ai tuoi distributori e fornitori gli strumenti necessari per massimizzare le proprie vendite con accesso semplificato a dati, documentazione specifica, brand guideline e informazioni sui prodotti.
Portale Self-Service per i Clienti
Migliora la fidelizzazione dei clienti e riduci il cost-to-serve con un portale self-service che semplifica i processi e permette ai clienti di gestire i propri account, di accedere alle risorse e di risolvere autonomamente i propri problemi.

Automate Business Processes and Become a Valued Partner

Manufacturers can rely on Liferay’s powerful Digital Experience Platform (DXP) to build superior customer portals that vastly enhance the aftersales service experience of your customers. By simplifying complexity, you can reduce the cost-to-serve and ultimately increase revenue ​​by offering the seamless and personalized experiences B2B customers expect. Plus, ​automating claims processing gets your customers back to being operational quicker, helping you become the vendor of choice for B2B purchasing teams.

More Videos on Customer Portals for Manufacturing

How Liferay Helps Manufacturers Personalize Customer Experience
Discover how customer portals built with Liferay equip manufacturers to offer the seamless and personalized experiences B2B buyers expect.
How Liferay Helps You to Minimize Downtime for Your Customers
Learn how customer portals built with Liferay can help manufacturers keep their clients operational.

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free 10min demo

See Liferay's Digital Experience Platform in Action

Schedule a live demo to see how Liferay's Digital Experience Platform makes B2B ordering in manufacturing easier and improves customer experience.