End of Life Policy
End of Life
End of Life for Liferay Sync Connector
End of Life for Liferay Sync Connector
Premium Support Phase
The Premium Support Phase for a Liferay Sync Connector flagged as a LTS Version shall be the period of time from its First Ship Date up until the end of the Premium Support Phase of its specified Compatible Liferay DXP Version.
- full support, in accordance with the applicable Support Services Level;
- access to Liferay's Help Center and customer knowledge bases;
- access to all updates and upgrades of the Liferay Sync Connector developed against the Compatible Liferay DXP Version; and
- security alerts and patch updates for Severity 1, Severity 2, and Severity 3 security vulnerabilities
Limited Support Phase
The Limited Support Phase for a Liferay Sync Connector version commences upon the end of the Premium Support Phase and continues through the end of the Limited Support Phase of the Liferay Sync Connector's specified Compatible Liferay DXP Version. During the Limited Support Phase, customers with an active Liferay DXP Subscription will be provided:
- support, in accordance with the applicable Support Services Level;
- access to Liferay's Help Center and customer knowledge bases
- access to all updates and upgrades and updates of the Liferay Connector developed against the Compatible Liferay DXP Version and
- security alerts and patch updates for Severity 1 and Severity 2 security vulnerabilities.
In addition, the following guidelines apply:
- Liferay support will direct customers to workarounds and customer knowledge bases.
- Liferay support may direct customers to upgrade to a more current version/release of the Liferay Sync Connector.
End of Life for Liferay Sync End User Clients
The support period for Liferay Sync End User Clients begins on the applicable First Ship Date and ends at the end of the Limited Support Phase of their specified Compatible Liferay DXP Version.
During the support period, customers with an active Liferay DXP subscription will be provided:
- support, in accordance with the applicable Support Services Level;
- access to Liferay's Help Center and customer knowledge bases;
- access to updates and upgrades of the Liferay Sync End User Clients developed against the Compatible Liferay DXP Version; and
- security alerts and critical updates.
In addition, the following guidelines apply:
- Liferay support may direct customers to upgrade to a more current version/release of the product to receive appropriate fixes.
- All updates and upgrades to the product shall be received via the Liferay website, for the Liferay Sync Desktop Client, or respective platforms' marketplace (Google Play or Apple App Store) for Liferay Sync Mobile Clients.
Compatible Liferay DXP Version means a version of Liferay DXP that is compatible with a specific Liferay Sync version as specified in the Liferay Sync Client details on the client downloads page or the Liferay Sync Connector details on the Liferay Marketplace.
Liferay Sync refers to the components of the Liferay Sync product which includes, but is not limited to, the Liferay Sync End User Clients (Desktop, Android, and iOS) and the Liferay Sync Connector plugin(s).
Liferay Sync End User Clients means the Liferay Sync Desktop Client and Liferay Sync Mobile Clients.
Liferay Sync Mobile Clients means Liferay Sync Mobile for iOS and Liferay Sync Mobile for Android.
First Ship Date means the date on which Liferay first makes available, a Major Version or Minor Version of Liferay Sync.
Major Version means generally commercially released major new releases, modifications or enhancements to Liferay Sync. A new Major Version is identified by a version number where the number to the left of the first decimal in the version number is incremented (example: 1.x.x to 2.x.x).
Minor Version means generally commercially released code corrections, updates and minor version releases of Liferay Sync. A new Minor Version is identified by a version number where the number to the right of the first decimal in the version number is incremented (example: 1.0.x to 1.1.x).
Long Term Support Version or LTS Version means a version of Liferay Sync that has been identified by Liferay to receive support in alignment with the Premium Support Phase of a specified Compatible Liferay DXP Version.