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Building Modern Intranets on Liferay: Full Feature List for Intranets

Employees in all industries are leaning on digital tools to get their work done faster, but much of that efficiency is lost as employees spend time jumping between systems or searching for information among all their applications. Recapture this time with a modern, user-friendly intranet that brings these tools under one umbrella customized for your brand, with a host of out-of-the-box tools designed to create open, efficient communication in large, complex companies. Learn more about the key benefits of an intranet built on Liferay DXP, such as:
  • Robust Support for Global Teams
  • Fully Integrated CMS
  • User Profile and Web Analytics
  • One Seamless Platform
  • Completely Customizable
  • Rapid Mobile Development
  • Secure Access to Corporate Intellectual Property

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Riepilogo delle funzionalità di Liferay DXP: Gli elementi costitutivi di cui hai bisogno per creare esperienze digitali a modo tuo