6 Tactics to Modernize Your Intranet
Want to turn your intranet from a cluttered file-sharing site to a tool that actually increases employee productivity? You’ll need to transform it into a modern intranet.
A modern intranet can:
- Raise the productivity of workers by 20 to 25% by encouraging communication and collaboration
- Increase sales by 20% by connecting and engaging employees
- Save enterprise-sized companies an average of $62.4 million per year that they could have otherwise lost due to poor communications
However, in order to obtain these benefits, these 6 tactics must first be in place.
- Focusing on Internal Customers
- Defining the Intranet’s Purpose
- Empowering Deskless and Remote Workers
- Choosing the Right Technology
- Increasing Employee Efficiency
- Onboarding and Training for Increased Adoption
Having engaged, productive, and satisfied employees is not impossible. Learn how to make this a reality by modernizing your intranet tool with these tactics.
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El poder de la IA impulsa tu negocio con Liferay DXP
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Unifica las experiencias digitales en el sector educativo con Liferay DXP
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Crea experiencias digitales personalizadas escalables y seguras para pacientes proveedores y empleados
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