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Growing Your Digital Strategy with Client Extensions

Liferay is continuously making improvements to make it easier for businesses to deliver excellent digital experiences; the latest of these is Client Extensions.

In the past, if customers wanted to change the look and feel, create new functionality, or extend the Liferay Digital Experience Platform (DXP), they would use Java-based plug-ins like hooks, portlets, and themes. These Liferay Extensions had full access to Liferay DXP APIs which provided developers with the flexibility and power to modify the platform. However, due to the deep integration with the platform, this would make upgrades and fixes to Liferay DXP very difficult.

To overcome this challenge and make it easier for customers to update, manage, and evolve their solutions, Liferay has developed Client Extensions.

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Siti di E-commerce, Cloud Solutions, Portali Clienti, Piattaforme di Integrazione, Intranet, Portali Partner, Siti Web

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Info di Prodotto
Riepilogo delle funzionalità di Liferay DXP: Gli elementi costitutivi di cui hai bisogno per creare esperienze digitali a modo tuo