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Benefits of Liferay Enterprise Search

The Liferay Enterprise Search subscription offers companies simple and effective options for managing enterprise-scale search in their Liferay DXP projects. With Liferay DXP and Liferay Enterprise Search, companies unlock significant benefits such as:
  • Increased out-of-the-box functionality, helping customers hit the production phase at a running start.
  • Scalable, fast and feature-rich search capabilities to deployed Liferay DXP solutions.
  • End-to-end support for all Elastic products integrated with Liferay DXP, currently Elasticsearch and Kibana.

Download our whitepaper for a full overview of the benefits of a Liferay Enterprise Search subscription.

Elastic, Elasticsearch, and X-Pack are trademarks of Elasticsearch BV, registered in the U.S. and in other countries.

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Riepilogo delle funzionalità di Liferay DXP: Gli elementi costitutivi di cui hai bisogno per creare esperienze digitali a modo tuo