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Liferay DXP 7.4 New and Improved Features Highlights

Liferay DXP 7.4 comes with enhanced functionality and exciting improvements that make it even easier for both technical and non-technical users to deliver and optimize digital experiences.

This release is built around six key outcome-based themes:
  • Optimizing Digital Experiences with Data-Driven Insight
  • Empowering Practitioners to Build Rich Digital Experiences
  • Creating a seamless B2B Buying Experience
  • Enabling Business Users to Compose Digital Experiences Using Low-Code and No-Code Capabilities
  • Reducing the Cost and Effort to Launch and Maintain Digital Experiences
  • Using Liferay as the Foundation in Your Interconnected Enterprise Landscape

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5 maneras en las que un portal de cliente puede ayudar a tus equipos y clientes a ser más eficientes