
Conquering 6 Common Challenges With an Engaging Digital Agent Portal

A recent study from J.D Power shows that most insurance carriers struggle to provide an experience that empowers their agents, revealing that independent agents actually have the lowest satisfaction scores with their carriers in any J.D Power study conducted.

Poor agent experiences lead to not only increased carrier dissatisfaction but also:

  1. Declining book of business
  2. Decreasing profit margins
  3. Increasing cost of acquisition
  4. Slowed revenue expansion
  5. Misalignment in business strategy and lack of communication
  6. Damaged relationship between carrier and agent

The key to overcoming these challenges is a strong partnership between independent insurance agents and their carriers. How can insurers begin to increase the satisfaction of their agents? By delivering intuitive digital experiences tailored for their agents.

This e-book provides a few requirements for an effective agent portal solution that will tackle the 6 common challenges mentioned above: Intuitive digital experiences that agents will actually want to use.

  • Digital tools for policy administration that will increase distribution efficiency and empower agents to write at a higher volume.
  • Contextualized agent and producer analytics to quickly pinpoint areas of channel conflict.
  • Functionalities that help build a long-term distribution partnership.
  • Better risk assessment to lower the cost of acquisition per policyholder.
  • While improving agent experiences helps to increase profit margins and lower cost of acquisition, insurers must recognize that a strong partnership with agents is foundational in order to deliver great insured experiences. Learn how to empower agents with an intuitive digital agent portal that provides the support and tools they need to succeed by downloading this e-book.

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