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3 Tactics to Improve Discoverability and Search in Customer Portals

Customers can spend a lot of unnecessary time lost on your customer portal, trying to find answers to what are often straightforward questions or problems. Bolster your customer portal strategy with these three discoverability and search tactics.

Learn best practices around: Intuitive Design, Tagging, Categorization, Content Filtering, Search Result Customization, Applied AI/ML, Recommendation Engines, and more.
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Le pouvoir de l'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) : dynamiser votre entreprise grâce à Liferay DXP
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Liferay DXP : fonctionnalités de Liferay Commerce
Liferay France
29 rue Taitbout
75009 Paris
+33 (0)1 84 21 11 80
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