Working Together to Fight Against COVID-19

Working Together to Fight Against COVID-19

Our customers are doing amazing things to fight back against COVID-19.

In the midst of the uncertainties caused by COVID-19, we have still seen so much good. We are constantly amazed by what our innovative teams and customers have been able to accomplish in these high-pressure and fast-changing times. We built this organization to serve people with our proficiency in building user-driven digital experiences and now, we are seeing our customers do more than we could’ve ever imagined with it.

Every day every news outlet is filled with despair and heartbreak, but here at Liferay, we’ve been lucky enough to see hope through the vision and dedication of our clients.

Equipping Healthcare Personnel on the Frontlines 

A leading healthcare organization created a COVID-19 specific intranet to serve as a single source of truth and a communication hub for the doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel that are risking their lives to treat and care for those who have been affected by the virus. 

To equip their staff in over 184 hospitals and 2,000 sites of care, this customer built a new intranet in just two weeks, providing PPE instructional documents and videos to mental health related guidelines, assistance, help lines, and more for their front line workers. The flexibility and many out-of-the-box features of the Liferay platform allowed this healthcare organization to jumpstart the delivery of a much needed digital solution in this battle against COVID-19.

Working to Collect Plasma for a Vaccine 

A multinational pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturer has partnered with the U.S. government to collect convalescent plasma from volunteer donors who have recovered from COVID-19 to produce a hyperimmune globulin that could potentially be a viable treatment.

But there’s much researchers must take into account: not only is very little information available around the virus itself, but getting donors who have recovered from COVID-19 is also tricky, especially with social distancing measures in place. 

To expedite the collection of plasma, the organization has been able to quickly create a plasma donation portal and tailor according to changing COVID-19 requirements and conditions. The site allows donors to check details of past visits, update personal information, and manage donation visits with scheduling that adheres to social distancing guidelines. Our Global Services consultants have been very active in this project in guiding with implementation, infrastructure scalability, and go-live to accelerate time-to-market.

Expediting Loan Approvals 

A U.S. bank providing loans and financial services to cooperatives, agribusinesses, rural public utilities, and other farm credit associations set up a new service to help their customers sign up for process loans under the Paycheck Protection Program, a key part of the U.S. government’s economic relief response to the pandemic for small businesses. 

To help streamline the process for customers to sign up for these loans, this bank set up a Small Business Administration-specific loan portal, in just five days. They were able to go to market so quickly by relying on Liferay’s integration capabilities and APIs and accelerating the loan process by leveraging Liferay’s existing authentication capabilities and form functionality to verify eligibility online. This service is quickly bringing the relief small businesses need in order to navigate through these challenging times. 

Getting Through This Together 

It’s been incredible to watch how these companies are working to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 worldwide.

Here For You

For customers that have any urgent issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to ensure your support needs are being met with the utmost urgency. Liferay is making available temporary use activation keys for Liferay DXP Subscriptions, Liferay Commerce Subscriptions and Liferay Enterprise Search Subscriptions at no additional charge.

If you are interested in receiving such temporary use keys, please visit our Help Center for more information.  
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Working Together to Fight Against COVID-19

Our customers are doing amazing things to fight back against COVID-19.

In the midst of the uncertainties caused by COVID-19, we have still seen so much good. We are constantly amazed by what our innovative teams and customers have been able to accomplish in these high-pressure and fast-changing times. We built this organization to serve people with our proficiency in building user-driven digital experiences and now, we are seeing our customers do more than we could’ve ever imagined with it.

Every day every news outlet is filled with despair and heartbreak, but here at Liferay, we’ve been lucky enough to see hope through the vision and dedication of our clients.

Equipping Healthcare Personnel on the Frontlines 

A leading healthcare organization created a COVID-19 specific intranet to serve as a single source of truth and a communication hub for the doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel that are risking their lives to treat and care for those who have been affected by the virus. 

To equip their staff in over 184 hospitals and 2,000 sites of care, this customer built a new intranet in just two weeks, providing PPE instructional documents and videos to mental health related guidelines, assistance, help lines, and more for their front line workers. The flexibility and many out-of-the-box features of the Liferay platform allowed this healthcare organization to jumpstart the delivery of a much needed digital solution in this battle against COVID-19.

Working to Collect Plasma for a Vaccine 

A multinational pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturer has partnered with the U.S. government to collect convalescent plasma from volunteer donors who have recovered from COVID-19 to produce a hyperimmune globulin that could potentially be a viable treatment.

But there’s much researchers must take into account: not only is very little information available around the virus itself, but getting donors who have recovered from COVID-19 is also tricky, especially with social distancing measures in place. 

To expedite the collection of plasma, the organization has been able to quickly create a plasma donation portal and tailor according to changing COVID-19 requirements and conditions. The site allows donors to check details of past visits, update personal information, and manage donation visits with scheduling that adheres to social distancing guidelines. Our Global Services consultants have been very active in this project in guiding with implementation, infrastructure scalability, and go-live to accelerate time-to-market.

Expediting Loan Approvals 

A U.S. bank providing loans and financial services to cooperatives, agribusinesses, rural public utilities, and other farm credit associations set up a new service to help their customers sign up for process loans under the Paycheck Protection Program, a key part of the U.S. government’s economic relief response to the pandemic for small businesses. 

To help streamline the process for customers to sign up for these loans, this bank set up a Small Business Administration-specific loan portal, in just five days. They were able to go to market so quickly by relying on Liferay’s integration capabilities and APIs and accelerating the loan process by leveraging Liferay’s existing authentication capabilities and form functionality to verify eligibility online. This service is quickly bringing the relief small businesses need in order to navigate through these challenging times. 

Getting Through This Together 

It’s been incredible to watch how these companies are working to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 worldwide.

Here For You

For customers that have any urgent issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to ensure your support needs are being met with the utmost urgency. Liferay is making available temporary use activation keys for Liferay DXP Subscriptions, Liferay Commerce Subscriptions and Liferay Enterprise Search Subscriptions at no additional charge.

If you are interested in receiving such temporary use keys, please visit our Help Center for more information.  
Originally published
 last updated

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