Swiss Bank Uses Headless API Technology to Power Their Intranet

BancaStato gave employees easy access to critical resources using Liferay.
years of experience
months to go-live
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Key Takeaways

  • Choose a comprehensive solution.
    With Liferay, BancaStato was able to accomplish everything on their intranet wishlist from one platform.
  • Improve productivity with thoughtful functionality.
    Because of a centralized, more intuitive search experience, employees can return to work more quickly.
  • Increase efficiency with simple workflows.
    BancaStato created workflows that automated business processes for faster task completion.


Banca dello Stato del Canton Ticino (BancaStato) is the Ticino Cantonal Bank in Switzerland. Established in 1915 as an autonomous institution that operates under the state, BancaStato has four branches and sixteen agencies throughout the whole canton. BancaStato’s mission is to promote the economic development of Ticino by providing customers with a secure place to invest.
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With so many customers to serve, BancaStato needed a better intranet that would equip their employees for everyday tasks.

BancaStato wanted the new intranet to:
  1. Manage documents effectively. BancaStato’s large document repository made a sophisticated document management system necessary.
  2. Improve the search experience. Employees needed to be able to navigate the intranet easily and quickly.
  3. Drive business processes. The automation of critical business processes through workflows would enable more employee productivity.


BancaStato chose Liferay to serve as a comprehensive platform that would meet all their requirements, replacing their previous intranet.

Using an iterative development cycle, BancaStato built the intranet over the course of eight months with the help of Liferay Support teams, educational resources like Liferay University and technical documentation, and Liferay’s community site.

BancaStato implemented Liferay through headless API technology, giving them the flexibility to take advantage of Liferay’s powerful features while tailoring the user interface to their needs.


In just eight months, BancaStato’s new intranet went live to employees. The intranet supports the day-to-day job functions of employees, improving their productivity with access to needed documents, information about processes, and applications.

The new intranet has provided the following benefits:
  1. A more efficient search experience. Now that all information is centralized in one place, employees can spend less time searching and more time executing tasks.
  2.  Robust document management. With Liferay’s easy management system, creating, managing, and updating documents is straightforward.
  3. Automation of business processes. Implementing a simple workflow has streamlined important processes.
For the future, BancaStato plans to continue to update and integrate the intranet with the goal of empowering employees on a daily basis.